What Pursuing Yourself Looks Like

This moment feels a bit surreal. The same feelings I had in 2017 are surfacing again.

Those of excitement and alignment, trepidation and fear.

Today I'm reigniting my blogging journey. Although the journey is familiar, starting again is nonetheless intimidating. Putting yourself “out there” requires vulnerability and many boundaries. (The paradox is not lost on me.)

I was compelled to blog in 2017. The same nagging feeling I had back then is present now.

To me, this is what pursuing yourself looks like.

It’s following one’s interests, curiosities, and what-ifs without having a clear picture of the path you’re about to walk. It's embarking on a journey despite all the unknowns because there’s something inside of you that won’t let the idea go.

There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.
— Oprah Winfrey

Pursuing ourselves is essential if we’re to combat the mandate for women to be selfless, to always be in service of others, and to prioritize the opinions of others over our own.

Many of us are desperate to find our purpose in life, yet I’m convinced we can't find it looking outside of ourselves.

What if pursuing ourselves is, in fact, our purpose?

What if tuning into the small nudges and inklings of what we need and who we want to be is THE purpose of our one wild and precious life?

2017 was hard AF. It challenged me in ways I never anticipated, yet it also rewarded me in ways that can't be quantified. It was a soul-led journey and I’m putting my boots back on.

I won’t promise to blog every single day as I did in 2017, but this time around, I commit to blogging often to share things that spark an interest in me so as to inspire you to also pursue yourself.

Here’s to the mamas willing to pursue themselves, daring to be “selfish.”

Are you game?


The Two Things I’m Committing to in Q4